Get Spec'd - CADdetails Blog for Building Product Manufacturers

Top 8 Strategies Manufacturers Should Know When Promoting Products

Written by CADdetails | Jul 6, 2022 12:30:00 PM

If you are a building product manufacturer, marketing and promoting your products to architects, engineers, and contractors should be at the top of your mind. Knowing the ins and outs of promoting your products to AEC professionals in North America can set you apart from other building product manufacturers. Your products get more specifications and end up selling more, thus, boosting your bottom line in the long run.

Please read on to know the top eight strategies you, the building material manufacturer, should know to promote your products.

1. Know Your Audience and Where They Are

Every marketing or promotional strategy is centered around the audience or potential customers. It's important to know the AEC professionals to who you want to promote your products and how to reach them. Is it architects, engineers, contractors, or other building contractors? Once you know your audience, you can identify how (social media, websites, or blogs) and where to reach them.

2. Be On the Right Platforms and Differentiate Between Them To Connect With Your North American Audience

You already know to who you want to sell your products. The next step is to get the right platform(s) to connect with the AEC professionals. For this purpose, you can opt for social media, email marketing, websites, microsites, or blog posts. It's important to know your audience deeply, identify with their needs, and put yourself in their shoes to determine the best platform for connecting with them.

Remember, audiences are different. It's important to identify what platform resonates more with a particular audience. At CADdetails, support manufacturer gets their name in front of North American architects and designers by being specified in design projects, BIM Models based on products, 3D SketchUp models, and 2D CAD drawings. So you can reach North American designers and AEC professionals more easily.

3. Effectively Market Your Design Files to Architects

Having high-quality building products isn't enough. As a building product manufacturer, you need to know how to effectively market your design to architects and other stakeholders in the AEC industry.

Apart from quality, AEC professionals are particular about the consistency of design files and materials. Your design files should adhere to industry standards and requirements and be easy to integrate with their software and projects without glitches. 

4. Understand the Key Aspects of Design Files That Architects Are Looking For

Architects are very particular about what they're looking for in design files before they can specify your products. Understanding what they're looking for in terms of design files, BIM and CAD drawings specifications, quality, functionality, and project integration increases the chances of your products being specified.

5. Promote High-quality Design Files Matters for Your Products

Once you have high-quality design files. The next thing is to promote them to AEC professionals as much as you can through such avenues as microsites or CADdetails' project gallery.

6. Stay On-trend With the Latest Technology for Architects and Designers

Your design files, digital products, and design libraries should follow industry trends. They must follow the latest standards and guidelines and be compatible with the latest technology in the AEC industry, like software.

7. BIM Increases Your Reach to Designers Looking To Specify Your Products

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a quality, interactive, and functional tool that helps you create and manage designs and digital files easily and more effectively. A professionally-developed BIM from CADdetails increases the chances of AEC professionals to specify your building products.

8. Keeping Your Products Up-to-Date Will Help Get You Specified More Often

Everything in the building and construction industry keeps changing almost every day –you cannot afford to stagnate and risk losing clients. It's essential to keep improving your products and keep them up-to-date to increase the chances of being specified. You can use our data analytics to collect, track, and analyze data to keep up with changes in the AEC industry.

We're Glad To Help

Now that you know how to market your products to top architects and designers, it's time to get started with CADdetails' Professional and Technical Solutions for building product manufacturers. Please don't hesitate to contact us today and speak with one of our specialists about making your product available to our rapidly expanding community of designers and architects.

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